Monday, February 4

Does your wife knows she's the #1 most desirable woman?

"Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised. Give her the reward she has earned, and let her works bring her praise at the city gate." Proverbs 31:30-31 NIV

Posted on the Yahoo frontpage is the title, 99 Most Desirable Women!! Apparently, this annual listing of famous females who are deemed by readers of to be the most alluring has taken place again, with over 5 million votes being cast according to the article.

The criteria for the nomination was the value of the characteristics of a potential companion; like intelligence, charisma, ambition, and personality. This is alleged to act as a "definitive gauge [for]……. what modern men desire most in their female companions." I wonder how many men applied the values shown of "a noble wife" in the Proverbs 31 section of the Bible and then looked at this list under that standard.

The Honorees have one thing in common; beauty and highly visible profiles whether in movies, television, or music. The likes of Blake Lively, Lindsay Lohan, Jessica Simpson, Eva Longoria, and Carrie Underwood grace the list of honorees.

But I wonder which would stand the test if their charm and beauty were suddenly swept away.

We wonder, as men and husbands, why our wives struggle with knowing our affection and our desires for them. Do we hold them up to the standards of Proverbs 31 or do we list them in their desirability as companions according to lists like Did Christ list characteristics that we needed to be the bride that He is coming back for?

It is list like this and the general attitude of society that makes me glad that there are groups like M3 ( and Awakened Hearts, it's parent ministry, that are stepping out into this gap between what society declares is good and what the Bible calls us men to value in our spouse and our daughters….Not beauty for beauty's sake, but so much more.

Does your wife know how much you value her work; to you, to the family, and to society? Does she know that she is praised at the city gates by you as you declare her good works to the world? Or does she wonder if she will ever truly measure up to standards that she believes you have?

I wish my wife knew that, but I haven't been the most expressive husband in this regard and it shows in the struggles we have faced in the past year. I have failed several times to show her how much of a Proverbs 31 wife she is and how valuable to me she is.

Have you done the same?

As Christian Men, make it a point each day to let your wife know what Proverbs 31 verse she has shown you and how much you appreciate her impact in your life. Then, go declare it at the gates.

A new place where God is moving.....

There was a pastor....

A friend of mine, discussing the future plans we had, mentioned to me a couple who was involved in a new church, and thought I should connect with them. Then my mentor, who had met them, said the same thing to them and to me. We eventually did me, Pastor Dave and I.

And several times since.

Pastor Dave and the Soul Quest church are going into their first buliding on February 17th, located on 1240 Jay Street in Waterford, Michigan. The new location is off Cooley Lake Road, between Lockhaven Road and Hiller Road. This is a step of faith and calling which I know the Lord has already blessed and will continue to.

I would ask one thing of all those in the area, regardless of where you call church home. Let's come out, as a family, to celebrate this new beginning and to give them a warm welcome as they enter into this new phase of their following of God's purpose for their church. I would consider it a blessing if you chose to go.

The worship service time should remain the same as they did at the Burt elementary location, 10:30am. If you would like to contact them, You can contact Pastor Dave Bauer at 248-330-6801 or at

Their website address is